Clerk of the Senate—Appointment of Shaila Anwar

By: The Hon. Pierre Dalphond

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Parliament and the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa

Hon. Pierre J. Dalphond: Honourable senators, on behalf of the Progressive Senate Group, it is a pleasure to join the other leaders to congratulate Ms. Shaila Anwar on her appointment as the new Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Parliaments.

She’ll hold a very important office within our new structure — our administration’s most important office, in fact.

I don’t think it will take us long to adjust to the change at the table, and I am pleased that we will continue to be well served when it comes to seeking advice about the three Ps: procedure, practice and politics.

You’ll hold the highest office in our administration. Over the years, you’ve shown considerable skill along with great knowledge and availability.

I remember speaking to you about an administrative matter one Thursday evening, long after 10 p.m., when I thought that I was the last person left in the building. You were still there, near the reading room, and you said, “Senator Dalphond, such-and-such a point wasn’t discussed at the Internal Economy Committee recently.” I admit that your devotion to your work amazes me.

I can only hope that we don’t disappoint you as much as the other Senators have done. Perhaps we could look at adding a penalty box in the chamber. After all, there is a lot of skating down here, too, and often zero games.

In all seriousness, you have established yourself as an expert on all things Senate, and I am delighted that we will continue to benefit from your wisdom in this new important role.

On behalf of the Progressive Senate Group, congratulations once again. We are delighted to continue working with you. Thank you.

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