Hon. Wanda Thomas Bernard: Honourable senators, it is my pleasure, on behalf of the Progressive Senate Group, to welcome a new member to the chamber. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday, Senator Muggli, by beginning a brand-new chapter in your life.
As Senator Tannas was welcoming our new senator colleagues yesterday, he reminded us of the number of different career paths that are represented here. I was waiting and waiting for him to mention social workers, but perhaps he forgot about us.
As a social work educator, one of my favourite things to do was to welcome new social work students every fall. In my remarks, I would say there are basically two tracks in social work: those who choose to use their positions for social control and those who choose the path of social justice.
Senator Muggli, I was very excited to learn that another social worker was appointed to this place and especially pleased to read your bio and to see that, like mine, your social work career has been on the social justice path.
I welcome you, and I look forward to working with you as you bring your experience as a social justice advocate to this chamber and to our study of legislation. Your previous work in mental health and addictions, in health equity, in child welfare, in health care, in health services administration, in social work education, in public policy, in public service and, probably most importantly, in community development will be very helpful and foundational to your work here. You will be well prepared for the challenges you will face as you navigate your new role here in the Senate.
Your dedication to public service, to social justice and social change highlights your commitment to using your position wherever you are placed to lead the changes you want to see in the world. I know you will represent your province well, and as a fellow social worker, it is my pleasure, on behalf of the Progressive Senate Group, to welcome you to the Senate of Canada. We truly look forward to working with you.
May I say again, happy birthday! Asante.
Hon. Senators: Hear, hear.