Ostomy Canada Society

By: The Hon. Wanda Thomas Bernard

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Hon. Wanda Thomas Bernard: Honourable senators, I rise today to pay tribute to thousands of Canadians who live with one of Canada’s best-kept secrets. Did you know that approximately 150,000 Canadians live with an ostomy, and 3,000 of them are from my home province of Nova Scotia?

Perhaps you think you do not know a person who lives with an ostomy, and that is likely due to the stigma and it being taboo subject matter, even though it is an essential, life-saving intervention.

Despite the stigma and silence around ostomies, there is hope. The Ostomy Canada Society is a not-for-profit volunteer organization dedicated to helping ostomates live life to the fullest. There are support groups available for people to connect with other ostomates. They offer support, education, collaboration and encouragement.

Ostomy Halifax has been providing support, education and awareness for over 50 years. Their mission is to uplift and empower Nova Scotians who live with an ostomy.

On August 30, George and I celebrated our forty-ninth wedding anniversary, which has been made possible because of the 17-year relationship he has had with his second-best friend: his ostomy. I say second-best friend because, of course, I am his best friend. George’s early acceptance of his new reality is largely due to the trained visitors from Ostomy Halifax who have supported him and us during a very challenging transition. I look forward to speaking on Halifax Ostomy Education and Awareness Day on October 19.

World Ostomy Day was yesterday, October 2. Every year the Ostomy Canada Society celebrates “living life to the fullest” with an awareness event called Step Up for Ostomy. Honourable colleagues, this year, I boldly and proudly step up to use my voice to break through the stigma and silence and thank all ostomates who bravely work through the challenges they face to live life to the fullest.

George helps me to find joy every day, and he has been doing so for 49 years. I thank him for his courage and self-determination, and I ask, colleagues, that you please join me in thanking Ostomy Canada for the unwavering support they provide to ostomates across Canada every day.

Thank you.

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