2024 Fall Economic Statement

By: The Hon. Michèle Audette

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Hon. Michèle Audette: Senator Gold, yesterday, I was reading a Radio-Canada article that blamed part of the deficit on Indigenous peoples. You will understand how shocked I was to read that. It is important to remember that Canada has legal and moral obligations towards Indigenous peoples, namely, historic and modern treaties, self-government agreements, commitments it must recognize, respect for our Indigenous rights and, of course, the right to self-determination and land restitution.

Is blaming us for the deficit right now a way of distracting from the government’s legal and moral obligations?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): Thank you for the question. I don’t have all the details in front of me, but if I understand correctly — and I hope I do — investments were made and funds were set aside to meet our obligations to Indigenous peoples.

That was done to fulfill Canada’s constitutional and moral obligations to First Nations and Indigenous peoples.

The government will never push this matter aside for mere optics or political partisanship. I would describe these obligations as sacred. If I’m not mistaken, that’s why these funds were included in the 2024 Fall Economic Statement.

Senator Audette: Would it be possible to ask the senior official who answered the questions to reconsider his response, because he seems to be saying that we are responsible for a significant portion of the deficit? I trust you, because stereotypes or systemic racism will not be tolerated; we have proven ourselves. Can you ensure that a correction is made to avoid once again spreading any false notion that Indigenous peoples are to blame for the situation we’re in? Thank you.

Senator Gold: Perhaps we could discuss the matter at greater length because I was unaware of this senior official’s response. My response — and I hope I’m right — was that these funds were included in the 2024 Fall Economic Statement that you mentioned. I will look into the matter further. Maybe you could help me out with that.

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