National Flag of Canada DayFebruary 15, 2023Author: The Hon. Andrew CardozoCategory: StatementsHon. Andrew Cardozo: Honourable senators, I am pleased to rise today on the occasion of National Flag of Canada Day. This…
Black History Month: Jean-François KacouFebruary 14, 2023Author: The Hon. Amina GerbaCategory: StatementsHon. Amina Gerba: Honourable senators, I’d like to continue with the series I announced as part of this year’s Black History…
Tribute to the Late Honourable Viola Léger, O.C., O.N.B.February 14, 2023Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: StatementsHon. Jane Cordy: Honourable senators, the impact of the arts on our lives should never be understated. People feel seen and…
Black History Month: Kicha EstiméeFebruary 9, 2023Author: The Hon. Amina GerbaCategory: StatementsHon. Amina Gerba: Honourable senators, Roxham Road is sadly known as an easy way for asylum seekers to get into Canada,…
Tribute to the Honourable Dennis DawsonFebruary 8, 2023Author: The Hon. Patricia BoveyCategory: StatementsHon. Patricia Bovey: Honourable senators, we all know the depth, breadth and long extent of Senator Dawson’s service to Canadians in…
Tribute to the Honourable Dennis DawsonFebruary 8, 2023Author: The Hon. Amina GerbaCategory: StatementsHon. Amina Gerba: I rise today on behalf of Senator Michèle Audette to pay tribute to our colleague, Senator Dennis Dawson,…
Tribute to the Honourable Dennis DawsonFebruary 8, 2023Author: The Hon. Marty KlyneCategory: StatementsHon. Marty Klyne: Honourable senators, I rise today to pay tribute to a good friend and dependable colleague — Senator Dennis Dawson.…
Tribute to the Honourable Dennis DawsonFebruary 8, 2023Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: StatementsHon. Jane Cordy: Honourable senators, it is with mixed feelings that I stand here today as we say goodbye to our…
Heart and Stroke Foundation of CanadaFebruary 2, 2023Author: The Hon. Michèle AudetteCategory: StatementsHon. Michèle Audette: Honourable senators, it is February, the love month. More importantly, it is heart month, and I rise to…
Black History MonthFebruary 1, 2023Author: The Hon. Wanda Thomas BernardCategory: StatementsHon. Wanda Elaine Thomas Bernard: Honourable senators, it is my honour to be with you in person today and to deliver…