Expression of Thanks and Good WishesJune 23, 2022Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: In the Senate, SpeechesHon. Jane Cordy: Honourable senators, on behalf of the Progressive Senate Group, I would like to take a moment to offer…
Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Zion Lutheran Church in LunenburgJune 23, 2022Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: In the Senate, StatementsHon. Jane Cordy: Honourable senators, I rise today in recognition of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, which is…
Third reading of Bill C-19, Budget Implementation Bill, 2022, No. 1June 22, 2022Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: In the Senate, SpeechesHon. Diane Bellemare: I want to congratulate Senators Moncion and Marshall, the sponsor and critic of Bill C-19. I want to speak…
Question Period: Independent External Comprehensive Review (National Defence)June 22, 2022Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: In the Senate, Question PeriodHon. Jane Cordy: Senator Gold, on May 20, after nearly a year of study, former Supreme Court Justice Louise Arbour released her…
New Arts InitiativesJune 22, 2022Author: The Hon. Patricia BoveyCategory: In the Senate, StatementsHon. Patricia Bovey: Honourable senators, before we rise for the summer, and our work in the regions begins, I want to…
Committee of the Whole: Subject matter of Bill C-28, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (self-induced extreme intoxication)June 21, 2022Author: The Hon. Jane Cordy, The Hon. Patricia BoveyCategory: In the SenateSenator Cordy: Minister, thank you for dealing with the Supreme Court of Canada decision in R v. Brown and R v. Sullivan in such an expeditious manner.…
Third reading of Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (electoral representation)June 21, 2022Author: The Hon. Dennis DawsonCategory: In the Senate, SpeechesHon. Dennis Dawson moved third reading of Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (electoral representation). He said: Honourable…
Question Period: Government’s Legislative AgendaJune 21, 2022Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: In the Senate, Question PeriodHon. Diane Bellemare: My question is for the Government Representative in the Senate. It’s nearly time to look back and take…
National Indigenous Peoples DayJune 21, 2022Author: The Hon. Marty KlyneCategory: In the Senate, StatementsHon. Marty Klyne: Honourable senators, I rise to share two stories in celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day. First, I wish…
Third reading of Bill S-7, An Act to amend the Customs Act and the Preclearance Act, 2016June 20, 2022Author: The Hon. Peter HarderCategory: In the Senate, SpeechesHon. Peter Harder: I rise today in support Bill S-7, An Act to amend the Customs Act and the Preclearance Act, 2016.…