Question Period: Senate VacanciesMay 18, 2023Author: The Hon. Wanda Thomas BernardCategory: Question PeriodHon. Wanda Thomas Bernard: My question is for the representative of the government in the Senate. Senator Gold, a few weeks…
Africa DayMay 18, 2023Author: The Hon. Amina GerbaCategory: StatementsHon. Amina Gerba: Madam Speaker, congratulations on your appointment as the Forty-sixth Speaker of the Senate. Honourable colleagues, as we prepare…
Question Period: Artificial Intelligence and DataMay 17, 2023Author: The Hon. Andrew CardozoCategory: Question PeriodHon. Andrew Cardozo: Madam Speaker, first of all, I must say that I’m very honoured to be asking a question in…
Joseph Kenneth Levi—Congratulations on RetirementMay 17, 2023Author: The Hon. Brian FrancisCategory: StatementsHon. Brian Francis: Thank you, Your Honour. I would like to offer my sincere congratulations on your appointment. Honourable colleagues, I…
Business and Economic Contributions Made by Indigenous Businesses to Canada’s Economy—InquiryMay 16, 2023Author: The Hon. Peter HarderCategory: SpeechesHon. Peter Harder: Thank you, Your Honour, and let me add my congratulations to you on your post. You mentioned earlier…
Second reading of Bill C-226, National Strategy Respecting Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice BillMay 16, 2023Author: The Hon. Wanda Thomas BernardCategory: SpeechesHon. Wanda Thomas Bernard: Thank you, Your Honour. I also want to congratulate and welcome you as our Speaker. Honourable senators,…
Question Period: Business of the Environment CommitteeMay 16, 2023Author: The Hon. Marty KlyneCategory: Question PeriodHon. Marty Klyne: Thank you, Madam Speaker. My sincere congratulations. My question today is for Senator Galvez, Chair of the Environment…
National Fiddling DayMay 16, 2023Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: StatementsHon. Jane Cordy: Honourable senators, you have likely heard the expression “march to the beat of one’s own drum.” For those…
The Honourable Raymonde Gagné, C.M.—Congratulations on Appointment as SpeakerMay 16, 2023Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: StatementsHon. Jane Cordy: Honourable senators, on behalf of the Progressive Senate Group, I am delighted to join the other leaders in…
Tribute to the Honourable George J. Furey, K.C., Speaker of the SenateMay 12, 2023Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: StatementsHon. Jane Cordy: Senator Furey, I can’t believe that the time for your retirement is here. Your distinguished career serving the…