Tragedy in Israel

By: The Hon. Pierre Dalphond

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Centennial flame, Ottawa

Hon. Pierre J. Dalphond: Honourable senators, I want to add my voice to those of Senators Gold and Plett, as well as Senators Saint-Germain and Tannas in the wake of the atrocities in Israel.

First, to all those who have lost a family member or friend, especially our fellow Canadians, I offer my deepest condolences. To those without news of a loved one, please remain hopeful.

Next, I want to express our solidarity with Israel and its people. I also want to clearly condemn the unjustifiable acts committed by members of Hamas, a terrorist organization that doesn’t hesitate to kill, injure or kidnap innocent civilians, including children.

In my opinion, the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 are clear breaches of basic human rights and cannot be justified under international law, including the rules of war. In fact, they are barbarian acts that confirm that Hamas is a terrorist organization that must be neutralized.

Of course, Israel has the right to re-establish law and order within its borders. In fact, it has the duty to protect its citizens and visitors against any repetition of these outrageous acts.

The countries and organizations that supported Hamas will have to be held accountable for their complicity in the atrocities committed. For now, the minimum they can do is work diligently for the release of all hostages. I also invite Canada to exercise global leadership to help secure the release of all hostages.

Finally, I was deeply saddened to see groups in Canadian cities last week showing support for Hamas, considering their atrocities against civilians. Colleagues, our country is built on the rule of law and respect for the life and dignity of all, irrespective of their origin, belief, religion or opinion. These core values are part of our social contract as a country — let us reaffirm them loud and clear.

Hatred and acts of support for Hamas have no place in Canada. I invite all leaders and influencers, including political and religious ones, to reaffirm these values and to call for a lasting peace in the Middle East based on mutual respect and the two-state solution.

Thank you. Meegwetch.

Hon. Senators: Hear, hear.

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