PSG senators highlight Flag Day and stand up for Canada

By: The Hon. Andrew Cardozo, The Hon. Rodger Cuzner, The Progressives

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February 15, 2025 – As Canada celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Canadian flag, senators in the Progressive Senate Group are marking the occasion by speaking out in support of their country.

Former Consul General of Canada in Boston, Senator Rodger Cuzner, said “I believe that we live in the greatest country in the world. When faced with threats to our economy, our way of life, and even the title of our Prime Minister, it is more important than ever for Canadians from coast to coast to coast to work together, to display our national pride, and to find solutions to help us all succeed.”

This past week, in Ottawa, Senator Andrew Cardozo hosted a briefing panel for senators to hear from industry and labour representatives about the new and fast-developing challenges posed by American tariff plans. He initiated an inquiry in the Senate last year to highlight the importance of Flag Day and noted that its importance is now greater than ever.

“The Canadian Flag is our most significant national symbol, one that we look to with pride on its 60th anniversary. We have a strong and complex history that goes back thousands of years, making us the proud independent country we are today. We also have the mature and confident awareness that we can recognize the many high points and work towards reconciliation of past injustice where it is necessary,” said Senator Cardozo.

Senators represent all regions of Canada and are committed to being the voice for all Canadians in the Upper Chamber of Parliament. As Canadians celebrate the 60th anniversary of the country’s national symbol, the Maple Leaf flag, senators in the PSG are focused on ensuring that Canadian pride spurs action from both parliamentarians and citizens alike.



Relevant quotes:

It is for this generation and this parliament to give them and to give us all a common flag; a Canadian flag which, while bringing together but rising above the landmarks and milestones of the past, will say proudly to the world and to the future: ‘I stand for Canada.’” Lester B. Pearson (House of Commons Debates, June 15, 1964)

I am Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, free to choose those who govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” John Diefenbaker (House of Commons Debates, 1 July 1960)

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