Question Period: Parliamentary Precinct

By: The Hon. Andrew Cardozo

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Ceremonial Guard on Parliament Hill, Ottawa

Hon. Andrew Cardozo: My question is for the Government Representative in the Senate. I want to come back to an issue I raised last week, which involves developments in the national capital. I raise it today because there are two new developments. One is that the federal government, we understand, has offered the City of Ottawa upward of $26 million to purchase the area around Wellington Street.

There have been increased incidents of threats and intimidation of parliamentarians in recent days. I want to draw a clear distinction between threats and intimidation as opposed to protest and free speech. We are seeing an increase in the former, which poses a danger to parliamentarians, staff and visitors to the Hill alike.

Is the government willing to step up its negotiations with the City of Ottawa and expand the Parliamentary Precinct so you can ensure and expand the security of parliamentarians and the public alike?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): Thank you, senator, for your question and for your continued interest and advocacy on this issue.

I don’t have a specific update, but, in response to your questions, I have been advised that the Prime Minister and the mayor have recently met to discuss their shared interest in maintaining a vibrant national capital city and the revitalization of the downtown core while, of course, addressing the city’s unique needs as Canada’s national capital.

Furthermore, I can assure you, colleagues, that Public Services and Procurement Canada is committed to the acquisition of Wellington Street from the City of Ottawa as an essential first step in addressing the long-standing security challenges for the Parliamentary Precinct.

Senator Cardozo: To discuss further on issues regarding the national capital, as part of the development of LeBreton Flats, it was recently announced that there is an agreement between the National Capital Commission and the Ottawa Senators — the other senators — for a National Hockey League, or NHL, arena.

I’d like the government to consider building a new state-of-the-art science and tech museum in LeBreton Flats and perhaps also consider a portrait gallery to take over this building when we move out of here in 2031.

Senator Gold: Thank you for your suggestions, which I will certainly communicate.

With regard to the Senate of Canada Building, I do understand that there are conversations that are taking place about potential future uses for the building. In this regard, I have every confidence in the Subcommittee on Long Term Vision and Plan to carry out this important process and work.


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