Question Period: Parliamentary Precinct

By: The Hon. Andrew Cardozo

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Hon. Andrew Cardozo: My question is for the Government Representative in the Senate, and it is regarding the future of Wellington Street — an issue I raised a few times over the past year.

Today, there are media reports that Public Services and Procurement Canada made an offer to the City of Ottawa to expand the Parliamentary Precinct and to pedestrianize Wellington Street. The reason is certainly twofold: One is to advance safety on the Hill for both parliamentarians and the public visiting the Hill as well as to deal with the beautification of Parliament Hill and to augment this national venue.

Could you update us on where things stand in terms of the discussion between the federal government and the City of Ottawa?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): Thank you for your question and for your continued interest in this important issue. I’m not in a position to update you on discussions that have been ongoing for some time. Senators will appreciate — because we are here — and certainly residents will appreciate the importance of addressing this issue, and doing so in a way that also takes into account the needs, voices and interests of residents and businesses that serve the community in this part of the city around the precinct. I’ll certainly make some inquiries regarding the progress.

Senator Cardozo: Thank you; I appreciate that. I want to mention that earlier this year, Mathieu Fleury, a former city councillor, and I wrote a paper on this topic and encouraged the government to have an international design competition for the future of Wellington Street in order to attract people and reflect our history. Can you comment on whether that kind of approach is being contemplated and whether that might be included in what happens to the precinct?

Senator Gold: I’m not aware of those details, senator, but I will certainly add that to the questions I will pose to the appropriate authorities.

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