Question Period: National Pharmacare

By: The Hon. Andrew Cardozo

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Hon. Andrew Cardozo: My question is for the Government Representative in the Senate. I want to ask for an update on pharmacare. Pharmacare is, perhaps, the last piece that we have been waiting for since the beginning of the health care policy that goes back to the Diefenbaker-Pearson era 60 years ago. There is, indeed, an agreement between the Liberals and the NDP to introduce and, in fact, pass a bill on pharmacare by the end of this year. That clearly is not going to happen.

Could the Government Representative in the Senate update us on where those negotiations are, and whether there will be an announcement or, at least, a bill introduced before the winter break?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): Thank you for your question.

Colleagues, my understanding is that the negotiations between the government and the New Democratic Party on this issue are ongoing, and they are progressing constructively. I have been informed that Minister Holland and Mr. Davies — his counterpart on this matter — have a very good working relationship. The minister looks forward to continuing his conversations with all parliamentarians and, indeed, with all stakeholders to work toward universal pharmacare. The government goal remains to table legislation this year.

Senator Cardozo: I look forward to that occurring in the next two weeks, as I would imagine.

My supplementary question is with regard to the single-payer approach. The Parliamentary Budget Officer has said that a single-payer approach would, indeed, be the most economical because of the enormous buying power that it would give the government. Do you see that approach — or any other — being used?

If a bill is introduced by the end of this calendar year, do you have a sense of when the government would plan to have it passed? Would it be by the summer break?

Senator Gold: My constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe once said, “If you live by the crystal ball, you’d better be prepared to eat glass.” I have a strong stomach, but I am not going there.

I am not in a position to comment — nor would it be appropriate for me to — on any bill not yet tabled, or on negotiations that are taking place. I can assure you that these conversations continue to be ongoing. By all accounts, they are constructive. We look forward to further announcements on this matter.

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