Question Period: Foreign Affairs and International Trade—Business of the Committee

By: The Hon. Amina Gerba

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Peace Tower and Parliament, Ottawa

Hon. Amina Gerba: My question is for the Chair of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Senator Boehm. The committee has been studying Bill C-282, An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management), since September 25. This bill is particularly important for my province, Quebec, but also for all the provinces across the country where farmers significantly benefit from supply management.

Given everyone’s interest in this issue, could you share with the chamber the work plan for completing the study of this bill, including the timeline for clause-by-clause consideration?

Hon. Peter M. Boehm: Thank you for the question, Senator Gerba.

As you and I and all committee members know, we’re following the work plan that was approved by the steering committee and shared with all committee members on September 9. This followed a call to all members on June 7 for witness suggestions.

On that point, I wish to thank you very kindly for the list of witnesses you have proposed. So far they have contributed greatly to the fair and balanced study that our committee has been conducting on Bill C-282.

To answer your specific question, based on the work plan I anticipate that we will complete hearing from witnesses during the final week of October, with meetings on Bill C-282 this week, the week after our Thanksgiving break and the final week of October. Hopefully, we will move to clause-by-clause consideration the first week of November.

Senator Gerba: Thank you, Senator Boehm.

In a letter dated October 4, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development, supported the bill and offered to appear as part of the committee study of Bill C-282. Do you plan to take her up on her offer to appear?

Senator Boehm: Thank you very much. I have had the pleasure of speaking with Minister Ng twice over the past couple of weeks, and every conversation we had was very amicable. She suggested that if she could be helpful she would appear as a witness. She mentioned that in one of our two conversations. I took this to the steering committee, and you circulated the letter to all senators yesterday. I thank you for that. I want to say that it is very unusual, if not —

The Hon. the Speaker: I’m sorry, Senator Boehm. You are out of time.

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