Question Period: Wildfire ManagementJune 7, 2023Author: The Hon. Andrew CardozoCategory: Question PeriodHon. Andrew Cardozo: My question is for the Government Representative concerning the wildfires. I want to compliment the federal and provincial…
Voices of Youth Indigenous LeadersJune 7, 2023Author: The Hon. Michèle AudetteCategory: StatementsHon. Michèle Audette: Good afternoon. [Editor’s Note: Senator Audette spoke in Innu-aimun.] Colleagues, I just want to take a few seconds…
Voices of Youth Indigenous LeadersJune 7, 2023Author: The Hon. Brian FrancisCategory: StatementsHon. Brian Francis: Honourable senators, I am pleased to rise today during National Indigenous History Month to pay tribute to the…
Second reading of Bill S-264, An Act to establish International Tax Justice and Cooperation DayJune 6, 2023Author: The Hon. Pierre DalphondCategory: SpeechesHon. Pierre J. Dalphond moved second reading of Bill S-264, An Act to establish International Tax Justice and Cooperation Day. He said:…
Question Period: Rights of 2SLGBTQ+ PeopleJune 6, 2023Author: The Hon. Wanda Thomas BernardCategory: Question PeriodHon. Wanda Thomas Bernard: My question is for the Government Representative in the Senate. Senator Gold, Minister Marci Ien announced that…
Canadian Multiculturalism Act—Thirty-Fifth AnniversaryJune 6, 2023Author: The Hon. Andrew CardozoCategory: StatementsHon. Andrew Cardozo: Honourable senators, I am pleased to mark today the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, which was…
Senator Beverly Jane MacAdam—Congratulations on AppointmentJune 6, 2023Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: StatementsHon. Jane Cordy: Honourable senators, it is always a pleasure to have the opportunity to welcome a new member to our…
Third reading of Bill C-9, An Act to amend the Judges Act, as amendedJune 1, 2023Author: The Hon. Pierre DalphondCategory: SpeechesHon. Pierre J. Dalphond moved third reading of Bill C-9, An Act to amend the Judges Act, as amended. He said: Dear…
Question Period: Red Dress Alert SystemJune 1, 2023Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: Question PeriodHon. Jane Cordy: Senator Gold, Indigenous women are four times more likely than non-Indigenous women to be victims of violence. Indigenous…
National Indigenous History MonthJune 1, 2023Author: The Hon. Jane CordyCategory: StatementsHon. Jane Cordy: Honourable senators, I would first like to acknowledge that we are meeting today on the traditional, unceded and…