Systemic racism against Indigenous women and girlsJune 17, 2020Author: The Hon. Pierre DalphondCategory: StatementsHon. Pierre J. Dalphond: Honourable colleagues, for those of you who haven’t already done so, I invite you to read…
Motion to Fill Any Vacancy in the Position of the Speaker Pro Tempore by Secret Ballot for the Remainder of the Current Session and to Discharge the First Report of the Committee of Selection from the Order PaperJune 17, 2020Author: The Hon. Pierre DalphondCategory: SpeechesHon. Pierre J. Dalphond: Honourable senators, I rise to ask for your support for this motion to elect the Speaker…
Systemic racism against Indigenous Peoples – Sen. MunsonJune 16, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: StatementsHon. Jim Munson: Honourable senators, what is going on in this country? Why do an Indigenous woman and man have…
Question Period: Systemic racism against Indigenous PeoplesJune 16, 2020Author: The Hon. Pierre DalphondCategory: Question PeriodHon. Pierre J. Dalphond: Honourable senators, my question is for the Government Representative in the Senate. I would like to…
Question of Privilege – Sen. DalphondJune 16, 2020Author: The Hon. Pierre DalphondCategory: SpeechesHon. Pierre J. Dalphond: Your Honour, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to comment on this important question of…
Third reading of Bill C-16, An Act to amend the Canadian Dairy Commission ActMay 15, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: SpeechesHon. Jim Munson: It is hard to match that, senator. It’s in the middle of the afternoon and very serious…
Canadian Dairy Commission Act: Consideration in Committee of the WholeMay 15, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: In the SenateSenator Munson: Thank you, minister. Thank you for what you do. It’s difficult sometimes being an agriculture minister. I was…
Question Period: Health and Well-being of ChildrenMay 15, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: Question PeriodHon. Jim Munson: Honourable senators, I thought I was going to follow Senator Moodie on the question dealing with children,…
Canadian Dairy Commission Act: Consideration in Committee of the Whole – Sen. DalphondMay 15, 2020Author: The Hon. Pierre DalphondCategory: In the SenateSenator Dalphond: Minister, thank you for coming to the Senate today. I have to say that I fully endorse the…
Third reading of Bill C-16, An Act to amend the Canadian Dairy Commission Act – Sen. DalphondMay 15, 2020Author: The Hon. Pierre DalphondCategory: SpeechesHon. Pierre J. Dalphond: Again today, before speaking to Bill C-16 before us, I must say a few words about…