Question Period: Transfer Payments

By: The Hon. Diane Bellemare

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Red tulips, Ottawa

Hon. Diane Bellemare: Senator Gold, I have a question that you will likely have to answer in writing.

Given the major employment transitions that the provinces have to fund as a result of technological changes, climate change and other changes, what does the offer that the federal government recently made to provinces at the Forum of Labour Market Ministers include with respect to the various agreements, whether they come from the EI fund or provincial treasuries?

Has the funding of these agreements changed over time? Did the federal government reduce the amounts transferred to the provinces under these agreements following the pandemic? If so, by how much?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): Thank you for the question. That is complicated, particularly when it comes to discussions between the Government of Canada and government representatives, such as ministers and public officials and their provincial counterparts. These are discussions that aren’t necessarily made public until an agreement is finalized. There’s no doubt that all of the provinces and territories and their employment organizations are dealing with the changes that you mentioned, and I will ask the minister that question directly as soon as possible.

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