Second reading of Bill C-22, Canada Disability Benefit BillMarch 7, 2023Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: SpeechesHon. Diane Bellemare: Honourable senators, I first want to acknowledge that we are here today on the unceded territory of the…
Senator Bellemare calls for reform of the Employment Insurance program through social dialogueFebruary 16, 2023Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: NewsOttawa, February 16, 2023 — On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, Senator Diane Bellemare delivered a speech in the Senate in…
Speech from the Throne—Motion for Address in ReplyFebruary 7, 2023Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: SpeechesHon. Diane Bellemare: Honourable senators, to begin, I would like to acknowledge that we are gathered on the unceded territory of…
Second reading of Bill C-32, An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 3, 2022 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 7, 2022December 13, 2022Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: SpeechesHon. Diane Bellemare: Honourable senators, today I wish to add my voice to the debate on Bill C-32. I was a little…
Question Period: Employment Insurance ReformDecember 13, 2022Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: Question PeriodHon. Diane Bellemare: My question is for the Government Representative and concerns employment insurance. I asked you this question a while…
CaregiversDecember 1, 2022Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: StatementsHon. Diane Bellemare: Honourable senators, I rise today to pay tribute to caregivers. People don’t always choose to become a caregiver.…
Ministerial Question Period: Federal-Provincial-Territorial CollaborationDecember 1, 2022Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: Question PeriodHon. Diane Bellemare: Welcome, minister. Your mandate is to work with the provinces and territories to generate rural economic development projects.…
Motion in amendment—Third reading of Bill S-236, An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance Regulations (Prince Edward Island), as amendedOctober 25, 2022Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: SpeechesHon. Diane Bellemare: Honourable senators, I rise today to lend my support to this amendment. I will be brief. I had…
Third reading of Bill C-30, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (temporary enhancement to the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax credit)October 18, 2022Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: SpeechesHon. Diane Bellemare: Colleagues, I will try to be brief, but I do want to speak at third reading of Bill C-30.…
Committee of the Whole on Bill C-30: Senator Bellemare questions Minister FreelandOctober 6, 2022Author: The Hon. Diane BellemareCategory: In the SenateThe Senate resolved into a Committee of the Whole on the subject matter of Bill C-30, An Act to amend…