The Hon. Dawn Anderson

Northwest Territories
Personal Website

Margaret Dawn Anderson is a proud Inuvialuk, and mother of 5. She was born and raised on the shores of the Arctic Ocean in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, however, her professional experience has enabled her to engage and collaborate with the majority of the 33 communities throughout the Northwest Territories.

Ms. Anderson has a Bachelors of Child & Youth Care from University of Victoria. She has more than 20 years of experience as a public servant, working with communities and Indigenous peoples across the Northwest Territories. She served in various roles with the Government of Northwest Territories, Department of Justice. Notably, she was the Director of Community Justice and Policing, and Assistant Director, Corrections Services, where she implemented positive changes to the territorial justice system. She was involved in the feasibility study, development and implementation of the NWT Wellness Court Program, a therapeutic program that attempts to reduce recidivism by treating underlying issues like mental health, addictions, and cognitive challenges.

Ms. Anderson continues to pursue a MA in Indigenous Governance at the University of Victoria. Prior to her appointment, and to prepare for the defense of the Community Governance component of her Masters studies, Ms. Anderson worked as a Policy Analyst with the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation where she participated in Inuvialuit self-government negotiations with the Government of the Northwest Territories, and the Government of Canada.

Ms. Anderson’s dedication to her community and to improving the lives of others is best displayed through the development, implementation and facilitation of the Planning Action Responsibly Toward Non-violent Empowered Relationships (PARTNER) program, a northern-based program for low to medium risk domestic violence offenders that is a central component to the NWT Domestic Violence Options (DVTO) Court. She also was an active member of the Working Group for DVTO Court. In addition, Ms. Anderson also worked with restorative justice initiatives across the NWT and conducted a review of the N.W.T.’s community justice program through consultations, which resulted in a report with several recommendations to improve community-based programming.

As the Senator for the Northwest Territories, Ms Anderson is committed to raising the profile of Arctic, Inuit and Indigenous issues across Canada to ensure representation that recognizes the uniqueness and diversity of people within the Northwest Territories. She firmly believes that a holistic approach which recognizes community driven approaches and partnership is the way forward when it comes to improving well-being in the North and to bridging socio-economic gaps between the Arctic and the rest of Canada.

Ms. Anderson is a two-time recipient of the territorial Premier’s Award for Excellence for her leadership and commitment to improving her community. She resides in Yellowknife, NT.


Margaret Dawn Anderson quviasuktuq Inuvialuugami, nutararuaqtuaqlu tallimanik. Animayuaq inuruqtlunilu Tarium saniani tamaani Tuktuuyaqtuumi, Nunatchiami, suliptauq, savaamikkun ilisimagait tamatkikapsait 33tun inuuniarviit inungitlu aulasuugami tamaani nunangiyaptingnun Nunatchiami ittuat.

Ms. Anderson ilisariaqsimayuaq ilisarvikpangmun Victoriami naallugu ilisaaksanga ukuanik Nutaqqatlu Nutaatlu Munariviksainun. Inuinnainik ukiunik savaaruaqtuaq kavamanun, savaqatigilugit inuuniarviit inungitlu tanngungittuat tamaani nunagiyaptingni ittuat. Qapsinik savaaruaqtuaqtauq Kavamatkuni Nunatchiami, Uqaqtisiyit Savagvinganilu. Suliptauq aasiin, savaaruaqtuaq Angalatchiyuani Inuuniarviit Uqaqtisiyitlu Paliisimanilu, ukuanilu tugliblugu Angalatchiyuaq Munariviksanun Ilurrilitquyuat, tajvani savaamingni ikayutauvialuktuaq quyallitaublugit uqaqtisiyuanun. Ilausimayuarlu tajvunga Nunatchiamun Inuuniammarisiniaqtut Uqaqtitaaqtuat Ikayurviksainun ilausimmamman, kayuqsimayait tamatkuat utiruuyuat itiqtauruuyuatlu ikayuqtlugit isumaaluruarumik nangiruarumiglu mamitqublugit inuusimingnun atuqtaksat isumaminun, aanaayaaniglu taannganiglu aturumik, isumangliurumik taimanna aturlugit mamirutiksangit ayurnaqtuamin.

Ms. Anderson suli ilisaqsimayuaq qutchingniqsamik ilisarnirmik ukuanik Tanngungittuattigun ilisaqtluni tamaani ilisarvikpangmi Victoriam. Sivullirmi tutqaqtautinnani, sannaiyaqsimayuaq ilisaamingnik ukuanik Inuuniarvingnun Anglatchiviksaanun ilisaaksat qutchiktuanik Mastersmik atilik, Ms. Anderson savaaruaqtuaq Malirutiliuqtini ukuanik Inuvialuit Angalatchiviksaanun Katimaviani ilaumayuaqtauq savaktuani Inuvialuit inmikkun angalatchiniaqtuani savaqatigilugit Kavamatkut Nunatchiamun, Kanatamunlu Kavamauyuat.

Ms. Anderson’gum ikayuruuyuq inungit inuusianun inuuniarvingnunlu savammariksiniaruubluni ikayuruublunilu sunigliqaa savaaksaruarami iliyiblugu nakuuyukkun Isumaliurutiblugitlu Suuyaqisuuyuat Tuaqatigiiktuat Taimaliutqunngilugit Ikayuqsimayait, nunaptingni ittuaq taamna ikayuqsiutiksaq suuyarisuuyuanun iqsinavialunngituat ikayurniaqlugit taamnaguuq ikayuutiksaq qitqaniittuq tajvungamun Nunatchiamun Ikayurviksait Suuyaqisuuyuanun. Suliptauq aasiin ilausimayuaq ikayuqtluni tamaani Savaqatigiiktuani Uqaqtitaaqtuatigun. Aasiintauq suli, Ms. Anderson savaksimayuaq Uqaqtisiyuani ikayurniaqtlugit nunatchiam nunagiyangani takunnaglugitlu malirutangit inuuniarvingmun N.W.T.’m uqaqatigimablugit, makpiraamun aglaglugitlu tutqiktuksauyuat inuuniarviinnun atuaksat.

Qangma Kanatam Tunngavingani Angalatchiyinngurman Nunatchiamun, Ms Anderson savaguktuq quyallitautqublugit savaani inunginnun Auqisuilam Nunanganiittuat, Inuitlu Tanngungittuatlu Kanatamiittuat tamaita ilitchuriniatqublugit qanuq Nunatchiarmiut allangammata allanin nunanin sumiliqaa ittuat. Ilisimayuq inuuniarviit inmingnik ikyurniarumik nakuutqiyauyuq savaqatigilugit kisian ikayurlugit inuuniarvingmi ittuat Nunagiyaptingni savaqatigiiglugit tamaita Auqisuilam nunagani ittuat Kanatamiuyuatlu tamaita.

Ms. Anderson malruiqtuqtluni taksiyuaq nunagiyaptingnun piyaksanik Ataniqpauyuam Aittuusianga Nakuuniqsamik savaktuanun savaamingni ikayuruumman inunginnun inuuniarvinginnunlu. Inuuniaqsimayuq qangma tamaani Yellowknife, NT.

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The Hon. Dawn Anderson

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