Question Period: COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout – Sen. MunsonFebruary 9, 2021Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: Question PeriodHon. Jim Munson: Honourable senators, my question is for Senator Gold. I wasn’t going to ask a question today, but…
The Late Honourable Elaine McCoy, Q.C.—Tribute—Sen. MunsonFebruary 9, 2021Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: StatementsHon. Jim Munson: Honourable senators, so many senators have spoken about a person we cared so much about: Elaine McCoy,…
Question Period: COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout – Sen. MunsonFebruary 8, 2021Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: Question PeriodHon. Jim Munson: My question is for Senator Gold, and deals with COVID and dealing with persons with disabilities. We…
Tribute to the Honourable Lillian Eva Dyck – Sen. MunsonDecember 10, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: StatementsHon. Jim Munson: Honourable senators, when I look around this chamber and see other senators virtually participating in this inquiry…
Question Period: Canada-China Relations – Sen. MunsonDecember 10, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: Question PeriodHon. Jim Munson: Senator Gold, it has been mentioned that it was two years ago today that the two Michaels…
International Day of Persons with DisabilitiesDecember 3, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: StatementsHon. Jim Munson: Honourable senators, as Senator Petitclerc has just mentioned, today is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.…
Victoria Forum 2020November 3, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: StatementsHon. Jim Munson: Honourable senators, I’m pleased to rise to speak about the virtual Victoria Forum taking place over three…
The Late Honourable David Osborn Braley, O.C. – Sen. MunsonOctober 29, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: StatementsHon. Jim Munson: Honourable senators, I rise on behalf of the Progressive Senate Group, and I’m thinking of what Senator…
Second reading of Bill S-210, An Act to establish the Office of the Commissioner for Children and Youth in CanadaOctober 27, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: SpeechesHon. Jim Munson: Honourable senators, there is a saying that you can seek the wisdom of the ages, but always…
Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorder Alliance SummitOctober 1, 2020Author: The Hon. Jim MunsonCategory: StatementsHon. Jim Munson: Colleagues, I often speak about autism in the spring for events connected to World Autism Awareness Day…